Dare You To Move

Hey there!

I just spent the day at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. It was so inspiring to see all the innovative technology. Teenage me (who used to read Engadget every day) would have been thrilled - may I never lose that sense of wonder and joy that discovering new tech brings.

AI felt ubiquitous, integrated seamlessly into almost everything. What was once a major differentiating factor now seems like table stakes.

Here’s what I have in store for you this week:

  • A reminder about real life

  • Tips on using GPTs at work

  • How to build trust

With gratitude,

Interesting Reads

Real Life
A beautiful reminder about real life. It’s messy, chaotic at times but.. it is what living is about. “You’re inflight, you’re falling through the sky, everything feels half-complete, there is so much more you meant to do, there are so many things you’re behind on, so many things you haven’t said. I’m right there with you. This is it, the madness we were born into and have no choice but to face. Real life is more and more of this and then it’s over.”

You Should Be Playing With GPTs At Work
Lenny Rachitsky shares the leverage GPTs can bring, alongside practical examples of how you can actually use these tools to speed up & improve the quality of your work:

  • Generate takeaways from raw survey results (conversions / metrics)

  • Create takeaways from sales conversations (synthesize themes and generate next steps from qualitative input)

  • Search through your knowledgebase & share a response

Moon Race 2.0: Why so many nations and private companies are aiming for lunar landings
The Moon is attracting renewed global interest, with multiple nations and companies launching missions to explore it. However, adequate long-term funding remains a key challenge for sustaining these lunar ambitions driven by prospects of economic, political and scientific value.


How To Build Trust
Great tips to build trust as a manager, starting with the foundational principle: “The way to build trust is to be trustworthy”. How do you demonstrate that?

  • Communicate clearly and transparently: Summarize and distill important context for your team, and be clear about when and why you can’t share more

  • Do what you say you’re going to do: Don’t promise someone you’ll do something and then flake

  • Give feedback: Give lots of it, and make it actionable. If you’re looking for a ratio, 5 positive: 1 negative bits of feedback could be a good start!

  • Give away your toys: Delegate not just the boring stuff, but the fun stuff you enjoy too

  • Ask for permission to give feedback & suggestions: “Are you stuck? Would you like a suggestion?” comes across so much kinder than “You have to do x, y, z”

A Quick Beginner’s Guide To Drawing
6 easy and fun drawing exercises to help you get used to moving your hand & seeing from different perspectives. Try it out this weekend.

Resources & Tools

Superlist - Make all kinds of lists using this tool, and capture your ideas, thoughts and tasks easily.

In Your Face - Do you miss meetings because you get so engrossed in work that you miss calendar pings? This app for Mac literally gets in your face by taking over the entire screen to remind you that a meeting is about to start.

Bookpecker - Thousands of books, summarized in 5 bullet points. Great place to start discovering new reads.

Brain Snacks

Guidde helps you create simple how-to guides with a click of a button - super handy when doing documentation in teams.

Setapp is a suite of productivity tools for Mac that helps you do your work better & faster. The right app, when you need it.

P.S. To get your ideas in front of more than 6k subscribers, get in touch with me at [email protected]

Take A Brain Break

Rap Version of Dr. Seuss’ Mr Brown Can Moo, Can You? - This has been out in the wild for a long time now, but I just love it and wanted to share it with you.

Universe Size Comparison - A video that evokes wonder and makes you appreciate the vastness of the universe.


You can build a future out of anything. A scrap, a flicker. The desire to go forward, slowly, one foot at a time.

Lauren Oliver

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